Category Archives: KIDS ACTIVITIES

Our Date at The Trans Luxury Hotel

Hai blog, it’s been a loooonng time. I’m happy that i’m busy, but on the other side I hate the fact that it’s so hard to find a perfect time to hanging around with my girl, outside the house of course.. This is a very late post from my previous quick trip to Bandung..

First thing first..gear up. Packing can be so difficult when you travel with toddler. This is only a one night getaway but as you can see, i felt like bringing the whole house with me. haha.. Barney,Macy,Boots bla bla bla goes to Bandung.. 😀


My actual reason visiting Bandung was to have a session with my Kebaya Designer, since the location is so close to Trans Hotel, Then I decided to stay at The Trans Luxury Hotel.


Here we are arrived safely at the Hotel, Trans Hotel has a magnificent furniture, a very luxury room and i love the pillow 😀 Plus if you stay here with your kids, you’ll get extra bonus because they have Trans Studio (Indoor Theme Park) and Trans Studio Mall next to the Hotel. The service is beyond good, nice and friendly staff, just pretty much worth the money 😀 . I don’t get the chance to try the room service, but I can say it’s as good as the hotel decoration :D, I remember once I attend a wedding party at the hotel and try some of the menu. Anyway, you are visiting Bandung, go out there somewhere, Paris Van Java is a culinary heaven..

Gwen’s favorite spot (like any other kids do) is of course the swimming pool !!!!!

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And the room is awesome 😀

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Pardon my low resolution camera. Some of the pics are taken by a Samsung Tablet. One more thing that makes me love Trans Hotel even more is how they take kids so serious. Next to the pool there’s a kids club filled with joy (for kids). Playground, Ice cream Corner, Mini Library ad they provide daycare for babies.

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Last but not least..that’s me.. sushi time at sushi tei.. same old same old 😀 . It’s a quick trip anyway, have no time to find other place to eat, So I decide to just walk downstairs next to the hotel ;D


In conclusion, I love Trans Hotel and so recommended. Honeymoon or just simply planning a quick trip with your kid, this hotel can be one of your consideration. Icha Avrianty Signing out.. See Ya’


The Trans Luxury Hotel-Bandung, West Java

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[Kids Activities] Taman Garoeda

Hiburan murah meriah selalu menjadi destinasi favorit saya. Ditambah lagi jika lokasi nya berdekatan dengan rumah. Atas rekomendasi seorang teman, beruntunglah saya menemukan tempat ini. Kolam Renang Garuda, Cinere, Depok.

Bagi warga cinere yang mempunyai anak dan hobi berenang, tidak perlu jauh-jauh melangkah dan menerjang macet cinere raya untuk ke PIM atau CiTos demi berenang. Di Garuda, anak-anak bisa berenang dan bermain dengan nyaman, murah dan bersih.

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Terdiri dari dua kolam renang (satu kolam anak dan satu kolam dewasa), Garuda ini sebenarnya adalah sebuah rumah yang supeeeer besar. Sang pemilik, Ibu Meity sudah delapan tahun menyulap rumah tinggal nya menjadi kolam renang umum (jenius..). Di usia nya yang sudah memasuki fase “menimang cucu”, Ibu Meity terlihat gesit dan semangat menjalani bisnis nya ini. Gak heran kalau setiap pengunjung pasti kenal baik dengan Bu Meity. Gwen pun demikian, baru juga sekali berenang langsung akrab panggil “Oma” 😀

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Selain kolam renang, di Garuda ini juga terdapat Play ground luas dan mini futsal. Kalau lapar dan haus juga tak perlu khawatir, Kantin nya yang bersih dan sejuk menyediakan beragam menu home made. Favorit saya adalah LASAGNA buatan Bu Meity..aah pergi kesini rasanya seperti mengunjungi nenek sendiri..hehe


Untuk yang mau les renang, disini juga bisa.Tinggal dateng dan tanya langsung jadwal nya.

Soooo…untuk warga cinere dan sekitarnya..yuuukkk kita ramaikan terus rumah Bu Meity 😀


Jalan Garuda, PLN, Cinere, Depok

sebelah sekolah Dian Didaktika

weekdays 20.000

weekend 25.000

Operating Hours 08.00-18.00

info les renang 021 70281895 (Bu Atiek)

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[BALI] Petitenget Beach

The famous island series continue 😀

One of my must visit place in Bali is potato head beach club. I love the food,cocktails,ambience, music plus it’s a perfect place to hang out with your friends or family even with your toddler. I just hate that the crowd is massive, that we always have to make reservation loooong before we intend to visit the club. At least every time we went there,  potato head always packed with guests, Bule and locals.

That’s why, I prefer to sneak to potato head’s back door which will lead to a beautiful beach, the petitenget. Not for a swim, just to breathe its fresh air, warm sand …. and bare foot running with my girl.

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Potato head also have a mini pool for toddler. Just remember that  the operating hours is only up to 5PM. Planning to visit potato head with your tots?? bring lots of extra clothes. So Mommy can drink margarita and let mini pool tame the kids 😀petitenget4 petitenget3


Jalan petitenget 51 B. Seminyak, Bali


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Liburan Murah Meriah di Katulampa

Mencari tempat hiburan di Ibu Kota untuk anak-anak itu susah susah gampang.Gampang ketika kita memilih untuk menghabiskan waktu di Pusat Perbelanjaan,susah ketika kita sebagai orang tua harus merogoh kocek yang tidak sedikit. Belum lagi ketika ujung-ujungnya lapar mata,yang seharusnya tidak perlu beli, mendadak kebeli as easy as gesek kartu. Tidak jarang hasil kerja sebulan hampir habis setengah nya hanya untuk 4-5 jam di Mall. Itu baru soal duit, belum lagi soal mental dan fisik anak-anak. Entah berapa banyak nantinya anak-anak di kota besar yang hidup kurang Vitamin D, karena sebagian besar waktu nya dihabiskan di ruang ber-AC. Soal mental pun, entah seperti apa pertumbuhan anak, ketika melulu terpaksa hidup konsumtif.

Jadi, apakah harus idealis dan anti mall? gak perlu juga sih,sekali-kali boleh. Kadang juga karena kita sebagai orang tua di kota besar ini bingung..”abis mau kemana lagi??. Disitulah kreatifitas dan jiwa petualang kita as a mom diuji. Beruntunglah saya lahir dan pemegang setia KTP Bogor. Banyak sekali tempat seru di kota saya ini, bukan Mall pastinya dan dijamin murah meriah. Salah satu nya yang akan saya bahas sekarang adalah SKI Katulampa. Surprisingly this is one of Gwen’s FAVORITE.

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Just don’t expect anything fancy and luxurious when you have chance to visit Katulampa. This is a super affordable place to hang out with your kids. I love it because it gives such space for my daughter to explore and mingle with the locals, plus there is no entrance fee. 😀

I’m calling this a one stop entertainment, because they also got Restaurant and shopping spot. Since am not a big fan of counterfeit bags neither the authentic one, I don’t really enjoy the shopping scene.

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To spoiled your culinary urge, they have two options for you to choose. The SKI Restaurant, this one is a bit pricey, but still affordable (around IDR 180K for 3 persons) and the other is Food Court. Both sells Indonesian food, from Sayur Asem to Karedok, Tahu Gejrot to Pempek. They have it all.

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Lebih bagus datang ke Katulampa saat weekdays, tidak terlalu ramai dan menjadi lebih bersih karena minus sampah-sampah plastik bertebaran. Weekend pastinya lebih ramai, walau tetap menyenangkan. Kalau naik kereta commuter line bisa pakai angkutan kota dari stasiun naik ke arah sukasari 02 dan turun depan bale binarum.Lanjut naek ojek. Naik kendaraan pribadi lebih gampang,sekitar 3km dari pintu tol Baranangsiang.Pokoknya, tempat ini walau masih harus ada improvement sana sini, tapi lumayan bisa jadi escape dari hiruk pikuk indoor Mall-Mall Jakarta. Cheers..


Jl. Raya Katulampa No. 6 – Bogor
Telp. (0251) 353685

Operating Hours weekdays and weekend 9.00-18.00

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